Hamilton Research specializes in leading-edge retrofit solutions designed to enhance Aluminium plants, making them self-sufficient, profitable, and sustainable.
We offer efficient, cost-effective solutions to improve pot control systems & anode baking furnaces used in Aluminium smelters.
Additionally, we support you with tailor-made hardware & software services that meet your specific needs.

Our Products
Our Services

Customised Design
At Hamilton Research, our journey with customers begins with an idea, which transforms into leading-edge solutions tailored to their unique needs.
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Technical Support
Hamilton Research is dedicated to assisting our customers both during and after the commissioning of its systems. Depending on customers' needs, we offer off-site and on-site support through our specialized team of engineers.
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Manpower Support
Our highly skilled and qualified team of design and maintenance engineers, provides on-site/off-site technical manpower to customers across the globe. The Hamilton Research team will work as an extension of the customers’ own team but not on their direct payrolls.
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